Thursday, May 20, 2010

Those Old school Days

Recalling those good old school days where my friends and I used to gather and listen to new albums from the Oldies' Greats like Tom Jones, Engelbert Humperdinck (I hope I spell his name correctly), Charlie Rich and Dickey Lee. They did have some numbers that I shunned but the music was good. It kind of got you out of bed and just made you feel good! Hey! Who sang the song "Sunday Morning..." you know it may not be a Gospel number but it sort of get you to move out and go somewhere...sometimes in those younger days of mine, I enjoyed going to church to meet up with friends and then we went to town...window shopping or just had a cup of coffee. These like jamming...our days...we used to go cycling to the beach, had a swim in the sea, build sand castles, then cycled home and had a good nap before going to movies or just sat around with folks...if some week-old newspapers or maybe listen to the latest news from dad who had just come home from work. We went fishing by the rivers on weekends and did our homework early Saturday morning as well as Sunday afternoon around three and by's football "cowboy" style or they used to say "village" style. We played rough and got bruised but it was fun then! No skills needed's just for fun. We would be home before six awhile...bathed and early to bed. The following day we had to wake up early for schools.We loved going to school...our teachers were very special in their own ways. School was enjoyable as long as we finished our extra chapters of each subject or even went extra miles in doing those gruesome Mathematics exercises. That was all we needed to do!

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